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Difference between Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning


•    For training, supervised learning requires a labelled dataset. 
•    Unsupervised learning identifies hidden data patterns from an unlabeled dataset.
•    Reinforcement learning does not require data as it learns by interacting with the environment.


  • Supervised learning is based on instruction and requires supervision as it follows examples from a labelled dataset to learn.
  • Unsupervised learning learns by reasoning and does not need supervision as it tries to identify hidden patterns to extract insights from the unlabelled dataset.
  • Reinforcement learning learns by experience as it explores and exploits different actions to maximize long-term rewards.


  • Supervised algorithms learn only one type of task based on the labeled dataset. The goal is to predict outcomes for new data belonging to the same domain as the same model need not be applied to a different domain.
  • Unsupervised algorithm's objective is to gain insights from the unlabeled data that can predict if the new data is part of the cluster or an anomaly.
  • Reinforcement learning is goal-oriented, and the agent aims to learn sequences of actions by exploration and exploitation in an uncertain environment to maximize future rewards. Reinforcement learning can handle an entirely new scenario it has never encountered.


  • Training of a Supervised algorithm is offline, whereas training of Unsupervised and Reinforcement learning is online and happens in real-time.

Algorithms Types and Applications

  • Supervised learning consists of Classification and Regression. Classification algorithms are applied to detect fraud, spam detection, and classify images, and Regression algorithms help predict sales, house prices, etc.
  • Unsupervised learning consists of Clustering, Association, Anomaly detection, and dimensionality reduction. Unsupervised learning applications are customer segmentation, market basket analysis, fraud detection, network security analysis, etc.
  • Reinforcement learning algorithms are either Value-based, Policy-based, or Model-based. Deep Q-Network (DQN), state-Action-Reward-State-Action (SARSA), Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic Algorithm (A3C), and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) are a few Reinforcement algorithms used in Robotics, developing business strategies.

Comparison Table between Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning



Supervised ML

Unsupervised ML

Reinforcement ML


Learns by using labelled data

Trained using unlabelled data without any guidance.

Works on interacting with the environment

Type of problems

Regression and classification

Association and Clustering

Exploitation or Exploration

Type of data

Labelled data

Unlabelled data

No – predefined data


Extra supervision

No supervision

No supervision


Calculate outcomes

Discover underlying patterns

Learn a series of action


Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, SVM, KNN etc.

K – Means,
C – Means, Apriori

Q – Learning,


Risk Evaluation, Forecast Sales

Recommendation System, Anomaly Detection

Self Driving Cars, Gaming, Healthcare