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The term "clustering" refers to a broad set of techniques for finding subgroups, or clusters, in a data set on the basis of the characteristics of the objects contained within that data set in such a manner that the objects contained within the group are similar to (or related to) each other, but are different from (or unrelated to) the objects from the other groups. Clustering is a subset of "clustering techniques," which is a more specific term. The efficiency of clustering is directly proportional to the degree to which the objects contained within a group are similar to one another or related to one another, as well as the degree to which the objects contained within different groups are distinct from one another or unrelated to one another. Determining what it means when two things are compared to each other and how similar or dissimilar they are is typically domain-specific and is therefore an essential component of the unsupervised machine learning task.

As an example, consider that we want to promote a new movie across the nation by running some advertisements for it. We have information on each region's population's age, location, financial situation, and political stability. Depending on the data we have, we might want to run a different kind of campaign for the various parts. We will be able to direct the campaigns in a more targeted manner by using any logical grouping discovered through the analysis of the people's characteristics. By examining various ways to group the set of individuals and arriving at various types of clusters, clustering analysis can assist with this activity.

There are many different fields where cluster analysis is used effectively, such as

  • Text data mining: tasks like text categorization, text clustering, document summarization, concept extraction, sentiment analysis, and entity relation modelling fall under this.
  • Customer segmentation: grouping customers based on factors like demographics, financial situation, shopping preferences, etc., so that merchants and advertisers can market their goods to the appropriate segment.
  • Anomaly checking: investigating unusual behaviors like unauthorized computer intrusions, phony bank transactions, and suspicious movements on radar scanners.
  • Data mining: To make the analysis more manageable, group a lot of features from a huge data set to simplify the data mining task.

In this tutorial, we will discuss the methods related to the machine learning task of clustering, which involves finding natural groupings of data, fie focus will be on

  • how clustering tasks differ from classification tasks and how clustering defines groups
  • a classic and easy-to-understand clustering algorithm, namely k-means, which is used for clustering along with the k-medoids algorithm
  • application of clustering in real-life scenarios


Clustering as a Machine Learning Task

The primary driver of clustering knowledge is discovery rather than prediction, because we may not even know what we are looking for before starting the clustering analysis. So, clustering is defined as an unsupervised machine learning task that automatically divides the data into clusters or groups of similar items.

The analysis achieves this without prior knowledge of the types of groups required and thus can provide an insight into the natural groupings within the data set. The primary guideline of clustering task is that the data inside a cluster should be very similar to each other but very different from those outside the cluster. We can assume that the definition of similarity might vary across applications, but the basic idea is always the same, that is, to create the group such that related elements are placed together. Using this principle, whenever a large set of diverse and varied data is presented for analysis, clustering enables to represent the data in a smaller number of groups. It helps to reduce the complexity and provides insight into patterns of relationships to generate meaningful and actionable structures within the data. The effectiveness of clustering is measured by the homogeneity within a group as well as the difference between distinct groups.

Example of Clustering

Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning technique in machine learning. It involves grouping similar data points together into clusters based on their features or characteristics. Here is an example of clustering in machine learning:

Suppose we have a dataset containing information about customers of a retail store. Each customer is described by their age, income, and spending habits. We can use clustering to group similar customers together based on their characteristics, and identify different customer segments.

One popular clustering algorithm is K-means clustering. In this algorithm, we choose the number of clusters we want to create, and then randomly initialize the cluster centers. The algorithm iteratively assigns each data point to the nearest cluster center, and then updates the centre of each cluster based on the new assignments. This process is repeated until the cluster centres converge to stable positions.

Using K-means clustering, we could identify different customer segments based on their spending habits. For example, we might find that there are clusters of customers who primarily purchase expensive luxury items, while others purchase lower-priced essentials. By understanding these different customer segments, the retail store could tailor their marketing strategies and product offerings to better meet the needs of their customers.