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Types of Survey



  1. General or Specific survey

A survey is referred to as a general survey when it is carried out to gather broad information about a population institution or phenomenon without any specific purpose or hypothesis. For specific issues or to evaluate the viability of a theory or hypothesis, customized surveys are carried out.

  1. Regular and Adhoc Survey

Some surveys are regular in nature and must be repeated after regular intervals. Such a survey is called Regular Survey. The adhoc survey is are undertaken for all.

  1. Preliminary and Final Survey

A preliminary survey also referred to as a "Pilot study," is an early version of the final survey. After the pilot study is finished, a final survey is conducted.

  1. Senses and Sample Survey

A sense survey is one that includes every element of a particular universe. A survey is referred to be a sample survey if it merely covers a portion of the entire universe.