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Sources of the Hypothesis

The hypothesis can be derived from various sources.

  1. Theory: One of the most common sources of supposition is this. It directs research by stating what is already known. Theoretical deduction leads to a new hypothesis.
  2. Observation: The hypothesis can be derived from observation. For example, from observation of price behavior in a market the relationship b/w price and demand of an article can be hypothesized.
  3. Analogies: Analogies are another source of hypothesis. Julian Hexley has pointed out that causal observation in nature or in the framework of another science may be a fertile source of Hypothesis.
  4. Intuition and personal experiences: Intuition and personal experiences may also contribute to the formulation of a hypothesis. The personal life and experience of a person determine their perception and conception these may, in terms direct a person to a certain hypothesis more quickly.
  5. Findings and Studies: Hypothesis may be developed out of the findings of other studies in order to repeat the test.
  6. Culture: Another source of hypothesis is the culture in which the researcher is nurtured. For example, sociology as an academic discipline originated from western culture. Over the past decade, a large part of the hypothesis on American society examined by researchers was connected with violence. Indian society is caste-ridden. It is riddled with inequalities and privileges.