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Research Methodology


It's important to distinguish between research methods and research methodology. All of the methods and procedures used to conduct research are referred to as research methodologies. As a result, research methods relate to the procedures that a researcher employs when conducting research. In other words, research methods refer to all of the approaches that a researcher employs while working on a research problem.

A research technique is a method for solving a research problem in a methodical manner. It can be thought of as a science that studies how scientific research is carried out. This is how Abraham Kaplan defines research methodology. "The description, explanation, and justification of diverse techniques of conducting research," according to research methodology.

Research Methodology encompasses a wide range of topics, and research methods are one of them. Research Methodology has a broader reach than research methodologies. "Thus, when we discuss research methodology, we analyse not only the research techniques themselves, but also the logic behind the methods we use in the context of our particular method or approach, as well as why we are not using others." So that the researcher's or others' evaluations of the research findings are possible. When we discuss about Research Methodology, we usually get answers to questions like why a research study was done, how the research topic was identified, why the hypothesis was created, what data was used, and so on.