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A survey is an investigational study. It is a research technique that involves gathering information directly from a population or a sample of one at a specific moment. It should not be confused with simple administrative tasks like collecting and tabulating data. It calls for skilled and creative planning, meticulous investigation, and logical interpretation of the results.


  1. Mark Abraham defines a survey as “a social survey is a process by which Quantitative facts are collected about the social aspects of a community composition and activities”.
  2. Herman N Morse defines It as “a method of analysis on scientific and orderly form for the defined purpose of given social situations and activities.”


The Characteristics of Survey

  1. It is a field study; It is always conducted in a natural setting.
  2. It seeks responses directly from the respondents.
  3. It can cover a very large population.
  4. A survey involves an extensive and intensive study.
  5. A survey covers a definite geographical area, city, district or a state