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Techniques for formulating Research Problem

A research problem's definition is definitely a challenging task. However, it is a task that requires intellectual conversation. The standard method is for the researcher to ask the issue and to establish strategies and procedures for solving the problem. The appropriate and concise definition of a research problem is an essential component of research and should never be rushed. In actuality, though, this is routinely missed. The following are the methods used to define and formulate a research problem.

  1. Statement of the problem
  2. Understanding the nature of the problem
  3. Surveying the available literature
  4. Developing ideas through discussion
  5. Rephrasing the Research Problem.

  1. Statement of the problem

First of all, the problem should be stated in a broad general way keeping in view either some practical concern or some scientific or intellectual interests. To do this, the researcher must completely take his interest in the subject he aimed to achieve. It would be ideal for making an initial survey or pilot research for research. Then, he can either state the issue for himself or ask a guide for assistance. The topic is frequently presented by the guide in general terms; it is up to the researcher to focus on specifics and formulate the problem in operational terms. The problem as stated may contain numerous ambiguities that must be clarified by calm thinking while also considering the viability of specific remedies and keeping the same in mind when describing the problem.

  1. Understanding the nature of the problem.

Understanding the problem's source and nature clearly is the next step in problem definition. The best method to comprehend the issue is to have a conversation with the individuals who raised it in order to learn how it was created and what goals it was intended to serve. If the researcher has already described the problem, he should take into account all the factors once more that led him to generalize the problem. He can speak with persons who are knowledgeable about the issue at hand or issues similar to it to gain a better understanding of the nature of the situation at hand. The environment in which the issue is to be investigated or comprehended should also be kept in mind by the researcher.

  1. Surveying the available literature

Before a research problem is defined, it is necessary to study and examine all of the literature that is currently accessible on the topic. He must be knowledgeable about all pertinent theories in the field, reports, records, and other relevant material. He needs to invest enough time in examining prior studies on related issues. Finding out if any data and other materials are accessible for operational purposes is the goal of this procedure. This would also assist the researcher in determining whether there are any gaps in the theories, whether the theories currently in use that apply to the problem under investigation are consistent with one another, and whether the results of various studies do not follow a pattern that is consistent with the theoretical exploration, and so forth. All of these make it possible for research to advance knowledge in new directions. Starting from an existing assumption, investigations on comparable issues are helpful for identifying the kinds of challenges that might arise in the current study as well as potential analytical weaknesses. Such investigations occasionally make valuable and even novel approaches to the current issue.

  1. Developing ideas through discussion

Having a conversation about a topic frequently yields insightful information. A researcher should discuss his concerns with his colleagues and those who have sufficient experience in the same field or working on similar challenges in order to generate a variety of fresh ideas. It is referred to as an experience survey. People with extensive experience are able to educate the researcher company.

  1. Rephrasing the Research Problem

The researcher must then carefully take a seat and restructure the research problem into a feasible solution. After the problem's nature has been clearly grasped, the study environment has been identified, the issue has been discussed, and the literature that is currently available has been surveyed and examined It is simple to rephrase the issue in terms of analysis or operation. By rephrasing the research problem, the researcher attempts to make it as operational and conducive to the formation of a workable hypothesis as possible.

The following points may also be taken into consideration while defining a research problem.

a) Technical terms should be clearly defined

b) Basic Assumptions should be clearly defined

c) A straightforward approach should be provided

d) The suitability of the time period and the source of data must be considered.

e) The scope of the investigation and the limit of investigation should also be defined.