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Advantages, Limitations of Survey


The major advantages of the survey method are
  1. The survey method's main strength is how versatile it is. The only feasible approach to get a variety of information from people, including socioeconomic statistics, attitudes, opinions, experience, and expectations, is through this method.
  2. Drawing generalizations about large populations based on research of representative samples is made easier by the survey approach.
  3. The survey approach is adaptable to allow the use of different data collection techniques.
  4. The survey enables the researchers to deal with unforeseen issues.
  5. Surveys are helpful for confirming theories.

Limitations of Survey

  1. The fundamental purpose of the survey method is to gather data from primary sources. Therefore, the respondents' desire and cooperation are essential to its success.
  2. The survey method is largely verbal behavior-based. Answers from the respondent may be deceptive.
  3. Sampling mistakes can occur in a sample survey.
  4. The quantity of data points that can be gathered in a single survey is limited. There is a recommended time frame for interviews.
  5. A survey is very time- and money-consuming.