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Characteristics of a Good hypothesis

What is a good hypothesis? What are the criteria for judging it? An acceptable hypothesis should fulfill certain conditions.


  1. Conceptual Clarity: A hypothesis should be conceptually clear. It should consist of clearly defined and understandable concepts
  2. Specificity: A hypothesis should be specific and explain the expected relation b/w variables and the conditions under which these relations will hold.
  3. Testability: A hypothesis should be testable and should not be a moral judgment. It should be possible to collect empirical evidence to test techniques.
  4. Availability of techniques: The hypothesis should be related to available techniques. Otherwise, they will not be researchable therefore the researcher must make sure that methods are available for testing his proposed hypothesis.
  5. Consistency: Hypothesis should be logically consistent. The propositions derived should not be contradictory
  6. Objectivity: Scientific hypotheses should be free from value judgment. The researcher system of values has n o placing Research.
  7. Simplicity: A hypothesis should be as simple as possible. Simplicity demands insight. The more insight the researcher has into a problem, the simpler will be his hypothesis.