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Need (importance) of Hypothesis

Hypotheses should be established in all analytical and experimental research to provide them with a correct direction. Hypotheses are helpful in guiding the Research Process in the right direction. A hypothesis must serve several extra roles in addition to putting the theory to the test. In many ways, it is a guiding print to research.


Young says “Formulation of hypothesis gives definitely the point of inquiry aids in establishing direction in which to proceed and help to delimit the field of inquiry”.

The use of a hypothesis prevents a blind search and indiscriminate gathering of data that may later prove irrelevant to the problem under study. In the data, the collection hypothesis serves as the forerunner.

A Researcher based on a hypothesis can save a lot of time and keep the researcher from a considerable amount of confusion.

A hypothesis can guide a researcher in determining the order of facts. Hypotheses have a number of practical implications for society, in addition to serving as a tool for identifying solutions to various problems; they also aid in putting social phenomena into context.