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Generations of Programming Languages

Generations of Programming Languages
1GL:    Machine languages
2GL:    Assembly languages
3GL:    (Machine-independent) imperative languages (FORTRAN, Pascal, C ...)
4GL:    Domain-specific languages (SQL)
5GL:    AI languages 

Each generation is at a higher level of abstraction


Properties of Programming Language:

•    Efficiency
•    Reliability
•    Robustness
•    Usability
•    Portability


1. Low-level language: It contains the strings of binary numbers (0’s & 1’s) and is machine-dependent. It means that the machine language( First generation language ) for every processor is different. An instruction prepared in any machine language has a two-part format.



1. Very Efficient

1. Machine Dependent

2. Requires less storage space

2. Programming is difficult

3. The processor can execute without any transaction

3. Error Prone


4. Cost is high

2. Assembly Language (Second Generation Language): A symbolic language, often known as assembly language, is a language that uses symbols rather than numbers. Assembler is a translation application that transforms assembly language into computer machine code.



1. Time-saving & reduce details

1. Coding is time-consuming.

2. Fewer errors & made which is easier to


2. It is also machine-oriented as the code

    for one machine is not used by the other


3. Assembly lang. program are easier to

    modify then the m/c language program.


4. Easier to understand & use.


3. High-Level Language: The high-level language was created to solve the difficulties of low-level language. Instead of being machine-based, these languages are focused on problem-solving.

High-level languages can be classified into three categories :

Third-generation language:- Procedure –oriented languages ( BASIC , COBOL, FORTRAN,C,C++,JAVA)
Fourth-generation language:- Problem-oriented languages (Query languages )
Fifth-generation language:- Natural languages ( LISP and PROLOG ) 


    1. These are easier to learn than low-level language.
    2. It required less time to write.
    3. They provide better documentation.
    4. Easier to maintain.
    5. They are not machine-oriented.

Comparison of High Level Language, Assembly Language & Machine Language




High Level Language

Assembly Language

Machine Language


These are easily understandable.

Less understandable than high-level language but more than m/c language.

Programs are less understandable.


Programs are portable.

Not portable to the processor to same interpreter only.

Not portable only processor of the same architecture.


Debugging is easier.

Debugging is more complex then high-level language.

Not good as high-level language and assembly language.