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Classification of Computers

Computers can be classified into several categories depending on their computing ability and processing speed. These include

    • Microcomputer
    • Minicomputer
    • Mainframe computers
    • Supercomputers

A microcomputer is a computer with a microprocessor as its central processing unit (CPU) that can execute the following basic operations:

Input: Input is the process of entering data and instructions into a computer system.

Store: Data and instructions are saved in the memory of the microcomputer system and can be used anytime they are needed.

Processing: Arithmetic or logical operations on data, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, are performed during processing.

Output: It gives the user the results, which can be in the form of a visual display or printed reports.

Control:  It aids in the direction of the order and manner in which all of the preceding processes are carried out.


A minicomputer is a medium-sized computer that is more powerful than a microcomputer, It is usually designed to serve multiple users simultaneously, hence called a multiterminal, time-sharing system. Minicomputers are popular among research and business organizations today. They are more expensive than microcomputers.

Mainframe Computers

Mainframe computers support numerous organizations such as banks, insurance firms, hospitals, and railways with their information processing. Mainframe computers are housed in a central location and connected to a number of user terminals that serve as access points and may be located in the same building. In comparison to workstations, mainframe computers are larger and more expensive.


Multiprocessing and parallel processing methods are utilised in supercomputers to handle complicated problems quickly. In this case, the multiprocessor can help the user break down a difficult problem into smaller chunks. Multiprogramming is another feature of a supercomputer, which allows numerous users to utilise the computer at the same time. Presently, some of the popular manufacturers of supercomputers are IBM. Silicon Graphics, Fujitsu, and Intel.