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Computer Software

A computer program is a set of logical instructions expressed in a programming language that instructs the computer on how to do a task. As a result, the software serves as an important interface between the hardware and the user. The first task of computer software is to govern and coordinate the hardware components and manage their performance, while the second task is to enable users to complete their required tasks. The software that is used to achieve the first task is known as the system software and the software that is used to achieve the second task is known as the application software.



System Software

System software consists of many different programs that manage and support different tasks. Depending upon the task performed, the system software can be classified into two major groups

System Management Programs used for managing both the hardware and software systems. They include:

    • Operating system
    • Utility programs
    • Device drivers

System development programs are used for developing and executing application software. These are

    • Language translators
    • Linkers
    • Debuggers
    • Editors

 Application Software

Application software includes a variety of programs that are designed to meet the information processing needs of end-users. They can be broadly classified into two groups:

Standard application programs that are designed for performing common application jobs They include:

    • Word processor
    • Spreadsheet
    • Database Manager
    • Desktop Publisher
    • Web Browser

Unique application programs that are developed by the users themselves to support their specific needs, They include:

    • Managing the inventory of a store
    • Preparing pay bills of employees in an organization
    • Reserving seats in trains or airlines