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Control Instructions in C

As the name suggests the ‘Control Instructions’ enable us to specify the order in which the various instructions in a program are to be executed by the computer. In other words, the control instructions determine the ‘flow of control’ in a program. There are four types of control instructions in C. They are:


      • Sequence Control Instruction
      • Selection or Decision Control Instruction
      • Repetition or Loop Control Instruction
      • Case-Control Instruction


The Sequence control instruction ensures that the instructions are executed in the same order in which they appear in the program. Decision and Case-control instructions allow the computer to make a decision as to which instruction is to be executed next.

A decision control instruction can be implemented in C using:

  • The if statement
  • The if-else statement
  • The conditional operators

The Loop control instruction helps the computer to execute a group of statements repeatedly.