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What is Computer Security

Security is the protection that is given to an automated information system in order to meet the goals of preserving the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information system resources. This includes hardware, software, information/data, and telecommunications. Computer security is all about keeping computer systems and information safe from damage, theft, and people who aren't supposed to use them. Users are often attacked because they don't have good enough defenses to keep out intruders, which cybercriminals are quick to take advantage of. Computer security makes sure that your computers and the data they store are private, correct, and available.

It is the process of preventing and finding people who are using your computer system without your permission. Computer security is the controls that are put in place to make sure that all parts of a computer system are private, honest, and available.

Computer security, also called cyber security, is the protection of computer systems and information from damage, theft, and unauthorized use. Computer hardware is typically protected by the same means used to protect other valuable or sensitive equipment—namely, serial numbers, doors and locks, and alarms.

The main reasons why someone would attack a business or person's computer are

1. Trying to disrupt a business's continuity: If a business is interrupted, it can lose money, be a victim of fraud, and have its reputation hurt.

2. Stealing information and modifying it: Hackers steal private information from companies and sell it to people or groups on the black market.

3. Creating chaos and fear by disrupting critical infrastructure: Cyber terrorists attack a company or a government body to stop their services, which can cause damage that could affect an entire country.

4. Financial loss for the target. When hackers attack an organization or business, they disrupt their services in a way that forces the target to spend a lot of money to fix the damage.

5. Reaching a country's military goals: Rival countries keep an eye on each other all the time and sometimes use cybercriminal methods to steal military secrets.

6. Asking for a ransom: The hackers use ransomware to lock down a website or server and won't let go until a ransom is paid.

7. Hurting the reputation of the target: The hacker may have personal reasons for attacking an organization or person so that their reputation suffers.

8. Spreading religious or political beliefs: Hackers can get into websites to spread religious dogma or a certain political agenda, usually to get voters to vote a certain way.


There are many different kinds of computer security that are often used to protect an organization's valuable information. Before we talk about how to keep data safe from attacks, we should try to figure out why these attacks happen. If cyber security experts know why the attacks are happening, it's easy for them to protect the systems

Information security is protecting information from being read, changed, or deleted without permission.

Application Security is the process of protecting an application from Cyber Threats like SQL injection, DOS attacks, data breaches, and so on by building security features into it.

Computer security means keeping a standard computer up-to-date and patched to keep it safe.

Network security is achieved by protecting both the software and the hardware.

Cyber security means keeping computer systems that talk to each other over computer networks safe.