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Error 404 Hacking Digital india part 1 : 

In Error 404 Hacking Digital india part 1 chase, the cybercrime, and cyber attacks hack the information of users like bank detail and personal information. It is real time incident in which the attacker create an attractive video so that victim gets attracted and  plays that video into the system. When we click on the video to play them at the time of buffering,  hacker can know our contacts, text messages, and bank details including CVV number. Here hackers are  creating Trojan file and android apk files, these files will be distributed all over internet. Those who  download these files will be hacked easily.

Most common error 404 Hacking 

A. web application attack: Serious weaknesses or vulnerabilities allow criminals to gain direct and public access to  databases in order to churn sensitive data – this is known as a web application attack. Many of these databases contain  valuable information (e.g. personal data and financial details) making them a frequent target of attacks. Recent research shows that 75% of cyber attacks are done at the web application level. 

B. Network security attacks : Network security attacks are unauthorized actions against private, corporate or governmental IT assets in order to destroy them, modify them or steal sensitive data. As more enterprises invite  employees to access data from mobile devices, networks become vulnerable to data theft or total destruction of the data  or network. 

C. Mobile Attacks: Like viruses and spyware that can infect your PC, there are a variety of security threats that can affect mobile devices. We divide these mobile threats into several categories: application-based threats, web-based threats,  network-based threats, and physical threats. 

Types of mobile attacks: 

  • Application-Based Threats
  • Web-based Threats
  • Network Threats
  • Physical Threats