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Access Control Concept

Access control involves restricting who (or what) can perform certain actions or access resources that they request. A web application's access control is dependent on authentication and session management:

  • The authentication process identifies the user and confirms their identity.
  • In session management, it is possible to identify which subsequent HTTP requests are being made by the same user.

A user's access control determines whether they are allowed to carry out the action.

Broken access controls are a common and often critical security vulnerability. Access control design and management are complex problems involving business, organizational, and legal constraints. It is human, not technology, who makes the decisions about access control design, and errors are very likely to occur.


Access control techniques restrict who or what can view or use resources in a computing environment. As a fundamental security concept, it minimizes business or organizational risks. Physical and virtual access is controlled unless authentication credentials are supported. In general, access control involves restricting physical access to facilities, buildings, or rooms to authorized individuals. A physically present security guard can enforce this generally. The purpose of access control is to verify that users are who they say they are and have access to the company's private information. Access control essentially involves selectively restricting data access. There are two main components to it: authentication and authorization. The security of data and physical access is enhanced by the use of access control, which handles user authentication. In order to manage access, appropriate authorizations, authentications, role-based access control policies (RBAC), and attribute-based access control policies (ABAC) must be established and enforced. It allows complete control over who has access to different areas. It is possible for employees to gain access to some areas because authorization has been granted. By using a key card or PIN, employees can easily access multiple doors, gates & barriers, or designated routes.