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Computer Security Threats

We are living in a digital era. Most people use computers and the internet these days. Because digital things are so important, illegal computer activity is growing and changing just like any other type of crime. Threats to security include interruption, interception, fabrication, and change. An attack is any action taken on a system or asset without permission. There are two kinds of attacks: active and passive. An attack will have a reason for happening and will happen in a certain way when the time is right. Information security threats can include Software attacks, theft of intellectual property, identity theft, theft of equipment or information, sabotage, and information extortion.

Computer security threats are things that could stop your computer from running and working well. These could be harmless adware or dangerous Trojan infection. As the world becomes more digital, there are always new worries about computer security. In a computer system, a threat is a possible danger that could put your data at risk. Sometimes the damage can't be fixed. A chance that security could be broken, which happens when there is a situation, ability, action, or event that could break security and hurt people. In other words, a threat is a possible danger that could use a weakness.


Types of Threats

A security threat is something that could hurt computer systems or businesses. The cause could be something physical, like if someone stole a computer with sensitive information on it. It's also possible that the cause isn't something physical, like a virus.

Physical Threats:

A physical threat to computer systems could be the cause of something that could lead to the loss of data or physical damage. It can be grouped as:

  • Internal: It can be caused by a short circuit, a fire, a power supply that isn't stable, hardware failure due to too much humidity, etc.
  • External: It is caused by things like floods, earthquakes, changes in the landscape, etc.
  • Human: Some of the threats include the destruction of infrastructure and/or hardware, thefts, disruptions, and mistakes made on purpose or by accident.


Non-Physical Threats:

A non-physical threat could be the cause of an event that could lead to:

  • business operations that depend on computers being slowed down.
  • Sensitive—data or information loss
  • Illegally keeping track of what other people do on their computers.
  • Getting users' IDs and passwords, among other things.


A cyber security threat is a malicious and planned attack by an individual or organization to gain unauthorized access to the network of another individual or organization in order to damage, disrupt, or steal IT assets, computer networks, intellectual property, or any other sensitive data.