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Components and Types of Computer Systems

The things that need to be protected in a computer system are:

Hardware is the computer's physical parts, such as the system memory and the disc drive.

Firmware is permanent software that is written into the non-volatile memory of a hardware device and is mostly hidden from the user.

Software is the code that lets the user do things like use an operating system, a word processor, or an internet browser.



Types of Computer Security

There are various types of computer security which is widely used to protect the valuable information of an organization.

1: Cybersecurity: Keeping our computers, electronic devices, networks, programs, and systems safe from cyberattacks. Cyberattacks are attacks on our system that happen when it is connected to the Internet.

2: Information security: It means keeping our system's information safe from theft, illegal use, and piracy by people who aren't supposed to use it. Information security is mostly about making sure that information is private, correct, and available.

3: Application security: It means protecting our applications and data so they don't get hacked. It also means making sure that the databases of the applications are safe and only accessible to the owner so that user data stays private.

4: Network Security: Network security means makes sure that a network is safe and that the user's information about who is connected through that network is safe. Over the network, hackers steal data packets using techniques like Denial of Service, Man in the Middle Attacks, War Driving, etc., and then use the data for their own benefit.