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Important Questions with Answers of Computer System Security AKTU Code: KNC 301/401


Que. 1: What are the types of computer security?

Ans. There are four types of computer security:

  • Cyber Security
  • Information Security
  • Application Security
  • Network Security


Que. 2: What do you mean by Cyber security?

Ans: Cyber security means securing our computers, electronic devices, networks, programs, and systems from cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks are those attacks that happen when our system is connected to the Internet.


Que. 3: What is social engineering?

Ans: Social engineering attacks involve manipulating users psychologically and extracting confidential or sensitive data from them by gaining their trust.


Que. 4: What steps can be taken to ensure computer security?


  • Always keep your Operating System up to date.
  • Always use a secure network connection.
  • Always install an Antivirus and keep it up to date.
  • Enable firewall.


Que. 5: What is an antivirus? Name some antivirus software.

Ans: An antivirus is software that scans your PC against viruses and isolates the infected file from other system files so that they don't get affected. Also, we should try to go for paid anti viruses as they are more secure. Some antiviruses are Quick heal, Norton, F-secure, and Kaspersky.




Que. 1.    Explain in detail the term computer system security.
Que. 2.    What are Sample Attacks?
Que. 3.    What is Error 404 Hacking digital India part 1 chase in computer system security?
Que. 4.    What is control hijacking with an example? 
Que. 5.    Explain the term buffer overflow in control hijacking.
Que. 6.    Describe The Marketplace for vulnerabilities in CSS.
Que. 7.    What are security Threats in CSS?
Que. 8.    Write a short note on — 1. Virus 2. Platform Defences
Que. 9.    What are Control Hijacking attacks format string vulnerabilities?
Que. 10.   Explain Defence against Control Hijacking with some examples.

Que. 11. ..........

Que. 12. ...........


Que. 1.    What are the types of computer security?
Que. 2.    What is Cyber security?
Que. 3.    What is social engineering?
Que. 4.    What steps can be taken to ensure computer security?
Que. 5.    What is an antivirus? Name some antivirus software.
Que. 6.    Discuss error 404 hacking digital India part 1 chase.
Que. 7.    Discuss error 404 hacking digital India part 1 chase.
Que. 8.    What is Computer Security?
Que. 9.    What is the CIA?
Que. 10.   What are the elements of cyber security?
Que. 11.   Define SQL Injection.
Que. 12.   Explain social engineering and its attacks.



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