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Difference Between Symmetric Key Cryptography and Asymmetric Key Cryptography

Symmetric Key Cryptography: Symmetric Key Cryptography is the process of changing the form of a message so that it cannot be read by anyone. Symmetric-key encryption encrypts a message with a key and decrypts it with the same key, making it simple to use but less secure. It also necessitates a secure method of transferring the key from one party to another.

Asymmetric Key Cryptography: Asymmetric Key Cryptography is based on both public and private key encryption techniques. It encrypts and decrypts the message using two different keys. It is more secure than symmetric key encryption but much slower.



Serial no.

Symmetric Key Cryptography

Asymmetric Key Cryptography


Both encryption and decryption can be achieved with the use of a single key.

It requires two keys, one public and one private, one to encrypt and one to decrypt.


It is expected that cipher text will be the same or smaller than the original plain text.

In cipher text, the size is the same as or greater than in plain text.


There is a very fast encryption process that takes place.

It takes a long time for the encryption process to complete.


It is used when there is a need to transfer a large amount of data.

There is a small amount of data that can be transferred using this method.


It is only intended to provide confidentiality to the user.

Confidentiality, authenticity, and non-repudiation are all provided by it.


The length of key used is 128 or 256 bits

The length of key used is 2048 or higher


Compared to asymmetric key encryption, symmetric key encryption uses fewer resources.

Resource utilization is high in asymmetric key encryption.


As it handles large amounts of data, it is efficient.

It can only handle small amounts of data, which makes it less efficient.


There is less security because only one key is used for both encryption and decryption.

Because two keys are used here- one for encryption, one for decryption- it is more secure.




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1: Cryptography
2: Symmetric Key Cryptography
3: Asymmetric Cryptography (Public Key Cryptography)
4: Difference Between Symmetric Key Cryptography and Asymmetric Key Cryptography


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