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Digital Image Processing 


This Digital Image Processing Tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Digital Image Processing. The tutorial on Digital Image Processing is designed for beginners as well as professionals.

ShreeSanavi Academy Digital Image Processing Tutorial contains all topics of Digital Image Processing such as introduction, computer graphics, computer Vision, photography, pixels, Resolution, pixel, transaction, types of Images, etc.

The Science of manipulating images is known as image processing.


Image Processing is not Computer Graphics. Image generation or creation is the target of computer graphics. We already have an image that we want to manipulate when we use image processing. Computer graphics often involves 3D objects, image processing usually does not. As a result, images are altered by image processing algorithms.

Image processing refers to the enhancement of an image's appearance and effective representation through image sharpening, smoothing, segmentation, compression, etc.

Image Processing, Computer Vision and Image Analysis

There is no general agreement among authors on where image processing stops and other related areas such as image analysis and computer vision.

Image processing is a discipline in which both the input and output of a process are images. Computing the average intensity of an image would not be considered as an image processing system.

Computer vision is a branch of artificial intelligence whose ultimate goal is to use computers to emulate human vision including learning and making inferences and actions based on visual inputs (imaging and Perception).

The area of Image Analysis (or Image Understanding) falls between image processing and computer vision.

Digital image processing

 is meant for processing digital images by a digital computer.

Using computer algorithms to do image processing on digital pictures is known as digital image processing. Digital image processing provides several benefits over analog image processing. It enables the application of a much larger variety of algorithms to the input data and may prevent issues like the accumulation of noise and signal distortion during processing.

Digital image processing allows the use of much more complex algorithms for image processing and hence can offer both more sophisticated performance in simple tasks, and the implementation of methods that would be impossible by analog means.

Applications of Digital Image Processing

Digital image processing and analysis techniques are used in a variety of problems. Mainly digital image processing deals with the improvement of the quality or appearance of the image. Some applications areas are listed below:

  1. Document analysis
  2. Optical character recognition
  3. Robotics
  4. VLSI manufacturing
  5. Industrial automation
  6. Medical applications
  7. Facsimile
  8. Bio-medical applications
  9. Remote sensing
  10. Biometrics
  11. Missile guidance and detection
  12. Desktop publishing
  13. Video conferencing and videophones
  14. image restoration and enhancement
  15. Astronomy and space