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Virtualization is a process that makes it possible to use computer hardware more efficiently. It is the basis of cloud computing. Virtualization uses software to create an abstraction layer on top of computer hardware. This layer lets the processors, memory, storage, and other hardware parts of a single computer be split up into multiple virtual computers, also known as virtual machines (VMs). Each VM has its own operating system (OS) and acts like a separate computer, even though it only uses a small part of the hardware of the computer it is running on.


So, virtualization makes it possible to use physical computer hardware more efficiently and get a better return on an organization's hardware investment. Virtualization is now a standard part of IT architecture for businesses. The business side of cloud computing is also driven by technology. Virtualization lets cloud providers serve users with the physical computer hardware they already have. It also lets cloud users buy only the computing resources they need when they need them and scale up those resources in a way that is cost-effective as their workloads grow.