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Challenges in Internet of Things

The Internet of Things has quickly become a large part of how we live, communicate, and conduct business. All across the world, web-enabled devices are turning our global high into a greater switched-on area to live in. The Internet of Things faces a variety of challenges.


1: Security Challenges in IoT:

Lack of encryption: Although encryption is a great way to prevent hackers from accessing data, it is also one of the leading IoT security challenges. These drives like the storage and processing capabilities that would be found on a traditional computer. The result is an increase in attacks where hackers can easily manipulate the algorithms that were designed for protection.

Insufficient testing and Updating: With the increase in the number of IoT devices, IoT manufacturers are more eager to produce and deliver their devices as fast as they can without giving too much of security. Most of these devices and IoT products do not get enough testing and updates and are prone to hackers and other security issues.

Brute force and the risk of default passwords: Weak credentials and login details leave nearly all IoT devices vulnerable to password hacking and brute force. Any company that uses factory default credentials on its devices is placing both its business, its assets, the customer, and its valuable information at risk of being susceptible to a brute force attack.

IoT Malware and Ransomware: Increases with an increase in devices. Ransomware uses encryption to effectively lock out users from various devices and platforms and still uses a user's valuable data and info. Example: A hacker can hijack a computer camera and take pictures. By using malware access points, the hackers can demand ransom to unlock the device and return the data.


2: Design Challenge in IoT:

Limited Battery Life: 

Increased cost and time to market:

Security of the system:


3: Deployment Challenges in IoT:


Cross-platform capability: 

Data collection and processing: