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Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Automation



  • Tasks that require hard physical work and are done by humans are easy to replace.
  • Operators don't have to work in dangerous production environments with high temperatures, pollution, substances that make them sick, or radioactive materials.
  • The tasks that are hard for a normal person to do can be done easily. Some of these tasks are lifting big and heavy things, working with very small things, etc.
  • Production is always faster, and the product cost significantly less.
  • Several quality control checks can be integrated into the production process to provide consistency and uniformity.
  • The economy of the industry can be significantly improved, which has a direct impact on the standard of living.



  • Jobs being lost. Since machines do most of the work, there isn't much need for people to work by hand.
  • With the technology we have now, we can't automate all the tasks we want to. For example, it's best to put together products with odd shapes and sizes by hand.
  • It is possible to use automation for certain tasks, like making a lot of the same thing over and over.
  • The cost of setting up an automation system is very high at first.
  • A set of skilled personnel is always a requirement for maintenance and service