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Types of Industrial Automation Systems

Now that we have seen how an industrial automation system is laid out, let us move on to discussing the different types of industrial automation systems. Industrial Automation Systems are usually categorized into four types.

  • Fixed Automation System
  • Programmable Automation System
  • Flexible Automation System
  • Integrated Automation System

Fixed Automation System:  Production equipment in a Fixed Automation System is fixed with a fixed set of operations or tasks, and these operations rarely change over time. It is usually used for continuous flow processes, such as conveyors and mass production lines.

Programmable Automation System: A Programmable Automation System allows the sequence of operations and configuration of machinery to be changed electronically. The system requires considerable time and effort to reprogram the machines and is typically used in batch production.

Flexible Automation System: A Flexible Automation System is typically and invariably controlled by computers. These systems are typically put into place in environments where the product undergoes frequent changes. The best illustration of this system is provided by CNC machines. The operator provides the computer with a code that is specific to the job at hand. The computer then uses the code to determine which tools and equipment are required for the production process and acquires them accordingly.

Integrated Automation Integration: In order to automate a production process, it is necessary to have a number of separate machines, processes, and data sets all working together in unison as directed by a single control system. This type of system is known as an integrated automation system. Using complex scheduling and production control, CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), computer-controlled tools and machines, robots, cranes, and conveyors are all integrated into the system.