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Experiment No. 9

OBJECTIVE: Write a program to Solve Water Jug Problem using Prolog.

Water Jug Problem: You are given two jugs, a 4lit one and a 3lit one, a pump which has unlimited water which you can use to fill the jug, and the ground on which water may be poured. Neither jug has any measuring markings on it. How can you get exactly 2lit of water in the 4lit jug?


start(2,0):-write(' 4lit Jug: 2 | 3lit Jug: 0|\n'),
write('Goal Reached! Congrats!!\n'), 
start(X,Y):-write(' 4lit Jug: '),write(X),write('| 3lit Jug: '), 
write(' Enter the move::'),
read(N), contains(X,Y,N).
contains(X,Y,5):-N is Y-4+X, start(4,N).
contains(X,Y,6):-N is X-3+Y, start(N,3).
contains(X,Y,7):-N is X+Y, start(N,0).
contains(X,Y,8):-N is X+Y, start(0,N).
main():-write(' Water Jug Game \n'), 
write('Intial State: 4lit Jug- 0lit\n'), 
write(' 3lit Jug- 0lit\n'), 
write('Final State: 4lit Jug- 2lit\n'), 
write(' 3lit Jug- 0lit\n'), 
write('Follow the Rules: \n'), 
write('Rule 1: Fill 4lit Jug\n'), 
write('Rule 2: Fill 3lit Jug\n'), 
write('Rule 3: Empty 4lit Jug\n'), 
write('Rule 4: Empty 3lit Jug\n'),
write('Rule 5: Pour water from 3lit Jug to fill 4lit Jug\n'), 
write('Rule 6: Pour water from 4lit Jug to fill 3lit Jug\n'), 
write('Rule 7: Pour all of water from 3lit Jug to 4lit Jug\n'), 
write('Rule 8: Pour all of water from 4lit Jug to 3lit Jug\n'), 
write(' 4lit Jug: 0 | 3lit Jug:  0'),nl,
write(' Enter the move::'),




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Artificial Intelligence Lab, AKTU manual, 4th year, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Prolog, programming

Artificial Intelligence Lab (RCS752)

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