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C Program Area of Traiangle C Program for Prime Number Program 2: Basic salary of an employee Program 3: Write a program to determine the roots of quadratic equation Write a program to find the largest of three numbers using nested if else Receive marks of physics, chemistry, and Math Write a program to find the value of y for a particular value of n Program 7: Write a program to construct a Fibonacci series upto n term. Program-8: Write a program to find whether the number is Armstrong number Program 9: Write a program to generate sum of series 1! +2! +3! +----n! Program 10: Write a program to find the sum of the following series Program 11: Write a program to print the entire prime no between 1 and 300. Program 12: Write a program to print out all the Armstrong number between 100 and 500. Program 13: Write a program to draw the following figure: 3 2 1 21 1 * ** *** Program 14: Write a program to receive a five-digit no and display as like 24689: 2 4 6 8 9 Program 15: Write a function that return sum of all the odd digits of a given positive no entered through keyboard. Program 16: Write a program to print area of rectangle using function & return its value to main function. Program 17: Write a program to calculate the factorial for given number using function. Program 18: Write a program to find sum of Fibonacci series using function Program 19: Write factorial function & use the function to find the sum of series S=1!+2!+-----n!. Program 20: Write a program to find the factorial of given number using recursion. Program 21: Write a program to find the sum of digits of a 5 digit number using recursion. Program 22: Write a program to calculate the GCD of given numbers using recursion. Program 23: Write a program to convert decimal number in to binary number. Program 24: Write a program to convert binary number in to decimal number. Write a program to delete duplicate element in a list of 10 elements & display it on screen. Write a program to merge two sorted array & no element is repeated during merging. Write a program to evaluate the addition of diagonal elements of two square matrixes Write a program to find the transpose of a given matrix & check whether it is symmetric or not

Write a Program in C to sort names in alphabetical order



int main()
   int i,j,n;
   char str[100][100],s[100];
   printf("Enter number of names :");
   printf("Enter the names:");
   printf("The sorted order of names are:");
   return 0;



Enter number of names :4
Enter the names:ramu
The sorted order of names are:Raju

Process exited after 33.33 seconds with return value 0
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